Configuring Zetta to send live metadata (Now Playing) to Radioplayer

NB These instructions have been tested on Zetta 5.22.1 and above.

The current Radioplayer Ingest API supports receiving live metadata directly from Zetta. Users must have their Radioplayer ID (rpId), API username and API Key from Radioplayer before proceeding. If you have an RPUID (Radioplayer User ID) from Radioplayer, the rpId is obtained by removing the 3-digit ISO Country Code (826 for UK) to provide the rpId.

 In Zetta's Live Metadata configuration screen add a new entry for the station you need to send data for and select "Zetta Full" as the format.

In the Output section enter the following:


replacing the ???? with the correct rpId. Please note the case sensitivity on rpId.

 Set number of items to 1, Data Encoding to UTF-8, and Notes and Scripts to No.

Change the delivery method to HTTP and in the URL use the following: 

Please note that 826 is country specific (826 being the UK). For customers outside of the UK please use the number code for the relevant country from here.

Set the Method to Post.


Under the Advanced Section input the User (API User) and Password (API Key) received from Radioplayer.

Leave the remaining options ticked as default.


Save and restart the Live Metadata service in Zetta Startup Manager on the assigned machine.